Chlorin E6
Chlorin E6 trisodium salt is classified as a photosensitizer that selectively accumulates in neoplastic tissue. Green porphyrin is produced by Synverdis GmbH under GMP conditions from plant material and consequently from an inexhaustible source of raw materials following guidelines laid down by the pharmaceutical industry.
Phase IIb clinical trial
Synverdis also has all the documentation for preclinical studies required by the international ICH guidelines to obtain marketing authorisation for a medicinal product.
Furthermore, the substance has already been successfully tested in a phase IIb clinical trial for the treatment of central bronchial carcinoma.
There were no noticeable adverse reactions
Chlorin did not exhibit any serious side effects in the studies and experience available in connection with expanded access treatment.
It possesses, as it is said, no dark toxicity whatsoever.